KAPANA Creative District of Plovdiv, Bulgaria


Plovdiv, Bulgaria, BG


Kapana is a small walkable district in the town of Plovdiv. Its history dates back to the 16th century, when it was the merchant and crafts center of Plovdiv. A few of its streets are actually named after the craftsmen that practiced there for centuries: Zhelezarska Str. (Blacksmith Str.), Zlatarska Str. (Goldsmith Str.), Abadjiyska Str. (Coat-Tailor Str.), Kozhuharska Str. (Fur-Tailor Str.). The name itself (Kapana) means “trap” or “labyrinth”. And it’s well-deserved too — one can easily get lost in its cobblestoned streets that always meet at peculiar angles. Having lost its liveliness since the mid-20th century (the streets being mostly packed with parked cars), in the past few years the neighborhood has been revived again, largely thanks to Plovdiv's nomination for the European Capital of Culture 2019. Today Kapana is the colorful heart of Plovdiv — a social place with an artistic spirit and unique atmosphere.